How to Get PPC leads at Reasonable Cost?

Getting PPC leads at the reasonable cost is a priority goal for any company looking for traffic on their website through digital marketing campaigns. A well experienced PPC Agency in Noida like Digital360 can certainly help in reducing that cost. Pay per click is one of the most common paid campaigning methods in online advertising. Getting more clicks with your ads usually means the opportunity to get the most out of the campaigns launched, attract more customers and increase conversions.

How to lower the PPC leads cost?

To increase PPC leads there are many tips, ideas, and forms, but all of them start from working with the keywords used, analyze and choose to use retargeting systems to impact customers again. These are the 5 steps suggested by the experts at a remarkable PPC Agency in Noida, which you can take to increase PPC leads for your campaigns:

1 – Remove the Keywords That Do Not Convert

This first step, although it seems somewhat banal, is essential. Eliminating all those keywords that you do not convert will help you not only to reduce the non-productive investment but also to gain quality score and, therefore, increase PPC leads at a lower cost.

Check the keywords chosen for the campaign. You must eliminate all those words that do not produce results, for which the users do not look for you, those that do not help you position yourself better and those that have little to do with your website or the digital marketing campaign that you have launched.

2- Restructure/Assess the PPC campaign

The structure of the campaign can be another reason for the loss of leads. The restructuring of the campaign begins with the aforementioned step: remove those keywords that do not convert.

After removing the words ballast it is time to opt for the election of new keywords that place your brand and campaign at the top, but that is not yet within the keywords of your campaign. Choose the themes you work on, the types of products and their characteristics and choose to work with keywords related to all these factors.

Think of the user, the final customer of your product, how would you look for your product in a search engine? Consider this question to be clear about the user’s logic when looking for a product, what kind of words are used, how they are used, and whether your product is responding to user searches. Through the correct choice of these keywords you are exponentially increasing the chances of achieving greater success and reach of your campaign, increase PPC leads and place your campaign and marketing plan at a higher level.

The restructuring of the campaign and keywords must be accompanied by optimization. Thus, if a keyword is incomplete you can complete it by adding a special feature that details it, from color to size, weight, material or shape.

3- Remove negative keywords

In addition to the keywords that do not report conversions, you should get rid of those words that have a negative economic valuation. Negative keywords are the ones you have in your keyword list, you pay for having them, but the economic benefit they give you in return is negative, that is, you lose money.

Negative keywords are even worse than non-converting keywords because a significant accumulation of negative keywords involves an investment thrown in the trash, which has not been done by repairing the true interest of customers and may not be bearing fruit for its poor planning.

It is important to keep in mind that a wrong choice of keywords, with a negative cost, with zero economic income or that do not report conversions, will be sufficient reason for clients to stop looking for you and find you. So, if your company is positioning for a large number of keywords, but many have a negative return, you will be investing time and effort in keywords that do not give a real benefit and therefore are playing to the detriment of the image of the brand of the company and the same products of the company.

4- Optimize your landing pages

The landing page is the crucial element for capturing leads. The users that arrive at a landing page are leads that you have captured through ads or newsletters and that are one step away from converting. It is imperative that everything on this page is designed in such a way that it can respond to the desire of the user and your brand to obtain conversions.

The landing page must have an appropriate structure, be designed for the user to easily find the call to action button and everything takes you to click on that button. Try to eliminate all the elements that distract, superfluous information, that which does not contribute anything to the final objective of the campaign or that leads the user to reject his goal of converting and leaving the landing page.

The main objective of the landing page is to convert the client that has arrived from an advertisement, a link or a search in a search engine and serve as a funnel to convert it into a client. The arriving user will have to complete an action, which may be different depending on the chosen strategy.

5- Retargeting to increase PPC leads

Finally, when designing your digital marketing plan you should keep in mind that may not all users convert in the first attempt, that there are those who arrive at the campaign and decide to abandon it without registering, buying or downloading the product. Therefore, it is important that you incorporate retargeting systems to attract users to your landing page.

Through retargeting, you will be able to attract all those potential clients that did not convert initially, who visited your website and decided to leave it later. With retargeting, these users will receive advertisements, banners, and messages that seek to visit your website again, click and buy the product or complete the action expected by them.

Retargeting is an ideal way for users who were about to convert to finally do so. The messages that arrive at them will put your website back in position so that they are fully aware that they have been able to pass up an opportunity that they should take advantage of.

Retargeting, moreover, allows you to capture leads more cheaply than a search engine campaign, so it can be a more than an interesting alternative to taking back with you the clients who were about to click but did not.

Did you know that optimizing your paid campaigns with the help of professional PPC Agency in Noida, like Digital360 can get you the leads at one-third of the cost without any professional help? This is what we do every day in Digital360. Consult us at + 91 92788 49499 and let us save money for you!

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SEO: 5 online ‘Stalwart Erudition Obsessions’

If you have just searched erudition or leveraged your web browser’s on page dictionary add-on, then you need to Google it once more. Have a look to the usage of word over time, provided by Google’s search dictionary results. It shows that middle word has steadily decreased from 18th century to 2010. Similarly usage of ‘stalwart’ from 19th century to 2010 but ‘obsession’ has triumphed the race. Continue reading

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